Denis A. Kitchen - Attorney at Law
“I’m Denis Kitchen, and I’d like to help.”
Focus on Bankruptcy and Debt Relief—-
Are you overwhelmed with debt? Getting calls from debt collectors? Does much of your income go to pay credit cards bills? Do you need a “fresh start”? Or are you just curious about bankruptcy? Call us for a free, confidential consultation.
Some Effects of Corona Virus on Legal System
One effect COVID-19 has had on the legal system is shutting down the court system. State and local courts in New York are just beginning to reopen. Meanwhile, many case have been adjourned and put on hold, slowing down lawsuits and even criminal cases. That may be good for some people, bad for others. Landlord-tenant proceedings, for instance, have been put off for months, leaving landlords unable to evict non-paying tenants.
The CARES ACT was passed to help people during this pandemic, but in limited ways. For example, someone in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can extend their 3 to 5 year payment plan to 7 years, which my lower payments. This applies only to ongoing cases, not new ones, however.
If filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you have to show income over the past 6 months does not exceed the median income for your area; otherwise, you may have to file under Chapter 13. The $1200 stimulus check you have received, is not counted as income which may help make you eligible for Chapter 7.
Denis Kitchen describes the problem of DEBT at a business conference sponsored by EG Tax
Denis Kitchen appears as a special guest on Esther Gulyas’s “Ask the Tax Lady” program on WBEN Radio
Attorney Denis A. Kitchen explains what debts are discharged in a Bankruptcy and which debts survive.